things that can derail your diet

Write At: 23:04. Category: Diet

To be able to lose weight, proper diet is a step that can not be underestimated.
But remember, a diet that is neat to failure because of some minor errors unconscious. What is it?

As has been summarized Health and Fitness and written on Friday (11/28/2014), if you want to live a healthy life and get a bonus in the form of a more proportionate body, should avoid the following errors:

1. To Much Consume Protein

"Protein intake is important, but if you take too much, it will be stored as excess fat," said Felicia Stoler, RD.
In addition, too dependent on the protein shakes and which has a sweet taste also tend to be less recommended.

2. Reducing the consumption of vegetables

Vegetables are rich in fiber which is very good for those who are doing a healthy diet. Therefore, make it a habit to eat vegetables every day.
It would be much better if the vegetables are consumed varies.

If you do not like the vegetable menu, enter at least a little extra vegetables in your diet. For example, add a slice of tomato on your sandwich today.

3. Rely on the juice for breakfast

By saving the intake and practical reasons, bottled fruit juice is often chosen as a daily breakfast menu. Whereas most sugar-sweetened beverages like this and if consumed in excessive amounts can increase blood sugar levels.

"Most of the juice consumption can increase blood sugar, so your body to produce more insulin. The risk of overeating will be your experience at the next meal," says nutrition expert Louis Aronne, MD.

For breakfast, it is recommended to choose a menu of protein and fiber, such as eggs and whole-wheat toast and of course reduce your packaging juice consumption or replace it with fresh fruit juice.

4. Often staying up late and sleep deprivation

According to Pamela Peeke, MD, production of hunger and appetite hormones have a very close relationship with the amount of sleep time that you have.
The less you sleep, including if you frequently stay up all night, then the greater the likelihood you become hungry faster and tend to have a big appetite.

5. Many complain

Women who are undergoing weight loss diet programs are often too much complaining about little things. Including hunger complain, complain of weight that would not go down, even complain tired during exercise.

According to Holly Wyatt, MD, occasionally you need to 'urgent' body to do something that is not usually done. One example is with exercise.
The first time to do it would be to feel heavy, but after that you will feel much fitter and eager to re-do it.

Extra from me, usually if the diet is done with a sense forced in some cases will be successful in doing. So you have to have a strong intention to diet.

embarrassment has less than ideal body shape
because of the demands of the profession, etc.

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