10 Food For Healthy HEART

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10 Food For Healthy HEART

Many doctors simply advise their patients not to eat certain foods to prevent heart disease. But few doctors are providing a list of healthy foods that should be consumed to increase and maintain cardiovascular health of their patients.

1. Fish are high in fat such as salmon

The fish contains a lot of protein and omega 3 which is useful to smooth blood vessels in the heart and brain.
There have been many studies in Japan proved that patients taking fish oil omega-3 have reduced their cholesterol by 26% and reduce the risk of heart attack by 19%.
Dr Dariush Mozaffarian of the Harvard Medical School believes that by consuming 2 to 3 fish dishes every week already provide health benefits prominently.

2. Oats and all foods containing oats

Oats contain a lot of omega-3, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, calcium, and fiber that are easily digested, called beta-glucans.
Beta glucans work by affecting the absorption and production of cholesterol.
Research shows that if you eat one cup of oats every day, you will reduce your cholesterol on average by 10%.

Furthermore, a cardiologist from Chicago, Dr. Michael Davidson, adding that a third of patients who no longer need to eat oat meal anti-cholesterol drugs. So it is not surprising that the American federal health agency, the US FDA, agrees that products containing oats may reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Bananas

There is a saying among the people of the west that eating an apple every day can reduce the risk of disease (one apple a day, keep doktors away).
Based on the research of banana is a fruit that is more beneficial than apples.
Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin C and B, and korbohidrat. The cardiologists often recommend their patients to eat 2 bananas per day, especially if they regularly take medicine for the heart and high blood pressure.
This is because the potassium in bananas is very important for the heart muscle to contract and prevent abnormal heart beat rate.
Eat one or two bananas today, not least in order to get the intake of vitamin C into your body.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains allyl sulfides, which can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
According to Dr. Robert Lin, lead researcher of garlic, to eat three parts of garlic every day will reduce your cholesterol between 10-15%.
Cook the garlic lightly. Do not get burned because it will eliminate the benefits. 5. Seeds Grains such as almonds and walnuts

Grains contain a lot of saturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. Therefore, grains good for heart health, blood vessels and skin.
Dr Mehmet Oz, a heart surgeon and author of the book, to give advice to the public to eat a handful of grains every day. However, choose one that is not too salty.

6. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains resveratrol and flavonoids to protect your heart. Experts specifically amazed with the component resveratrol as based on experiments on animals in the laboratory, these components can extend the age limit.

If you buy chocolate, buy a black or dark chocolate. Especially those containing cocoa 70p%. It was indeed a bit bitter, but this type of chocolate healthier than milk chocolate or white chocolate.

7. Vegetables orange 

Vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, potatoes etc.
Kinds of vegetables like this contain a lot of antioxidants, including lycopene, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. 
Harvard study showed that women who eat carrots and potatoes every day reduced their risk of heart attack by 22% and stroke by 40 to 70%. These kinds of vegetables also prevent cancer.

8. Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, omega-3, calcium, and fiber.
According to research conducted by Dr. James Anderson of the University of Kentucky, by eating one cup of cooked beans every day will reduce your cholesterol as much as 20 percent.
All kinds of beans are healthy includes black beans, soybeans and even baked beans in a can. They are cheap, easy to cook and rich in protein.

9. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage contain B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and fiber.
Just like the Popeye becomes very strong after eating spinach, as well as children and the adults who consume them.
Most are green, green, leaves of vegetables are good for heart health, stomach and entire body. A study shows how the relationship between low vitamin B6 with high C-reactive protein is an indication of heart disease symptoms.

10. Products made from soybeans

Products such as tofu and soy milk contain a lot of protein, vitamin B1, B12, folate, neacin enzymes, calcium, and potassium.
Although recent research has shown that soy does not lower cholesterol, the American Heart Association or the American Heart Association still considering soy products as healthy as a substitute for products made ​​from meat and other oily foods. 
Furthermore, many studies have repeatedly shown that people eating the vegetables live longer than those who like to eat meat. However, there are other products that are good for the body such as yogurt and red fruits such as strawberries, tomatoes, grapes and red wine.

So remember to eat foods mentioned above in order to maintain the health of your heart.

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