Why We're More Like Fart Smell Alone?

Write At: 09:16. Category: variety of diseases

Fart is a natural part of the digestive process. When eating, you do not just swallow food but also swallow air that contains nitrogen and oxygen.

According to Anne Marie Helmenstine chemist, gas form small bubbles flow in the body and mixed with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane along the gastrointestinal tract.
The only way the gas out of the body is to detach from the bottom of your back and then spread into the air we breathe.

Humans release up to 70 billion fart every day, about 10 of which came from you.
With the amount of exhaust gas so much, why fart did not bother us this time?

The team at AsapSCIENCE make a video every week which aims to answer all kinds of questions about the "unique science and the science of the unconscious", and is dedicated entirely to a fart.

Apparently, millions of intestinal bacteria in our bodies that are consistent with the results that are released when your fart.
In a blind test smells, people prefer the smell of their own farts compared to fart issued by others.
In essence, we are more like what we know.

But perhaps more than that. Something that causes bad odors usually toxic, bacteria in the mouth or expired food.

We instinctively avoid fart others to protect themselves from possible danger.
It is not hygienic, animals, or people can carry the disease, most can be transmitted through the air, combined with the substances contained in the fart.

Mother is an exception to that rule. The smell of their own baby or child is not upset them so that they become easier to clean up the baby.

Fart who does not beep is one bad thing because it does not give enough time to the brain to prepare for the smell. Layer of the anterior cingulate is part of the brain that processes fart in your own body or any other sound. The area warned on all parts of the brain that followed the stench.

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