the impact of hazards morning sleep

Write At: 16:56. Category: Health,LifeStyle

The impact of hazards morning sleep - Sleep deprivation can indeed cause many problems for health, but it does not mean too much sleep is not a problem.

Modern life is too have a negative impact on us. sometimes we have to change our healthy lifestyle just to do the work that we must live.

During this time many people believe that sleep is better than sleep deprivation. But in fact this is just a myth.
Too much sleep it also can be dangerous to health.
Most people these days used during the night, made during the night
Too much sleep or called hypersomnia is actually one health disorder. This situation causes people to experience severe sleepiness during the day.
Some things that can cause hypersomnia is alcohol, depression, taking certain medications, or other sleep disorders as well as sleep apnea.

By researchers too much sleep has been linked to various health problems The cause:

1. Diabetes
Research has shown that prolonged sleep at night can increase the risk of diabetes.

2. Obesity
Sleeping too much or too little can make you gain weight. One study showed that people who sleep nine Sampaio 10 hours a night have an increased risk of obesity 21 percent higher than those who slept seven to eight hours every night.

3. Headache
For some people who are prone to headaches, sleeping longer than usual when weekends or holidays can cause headaches.
This is according to researchers due to the effects of too much sleep on serotonin. People who sleep too much during the day so they can not sleep at night also can suffer from headaches in the morning.

4. Depression
Although insomnia is usually associated with depression, but researchers revealed that 15 percent of people with depression have a habit of sleeping longer than usual.
Longer sleep is also known to make them feel depressed. Sleeping with the same hours every day on a regular basis is important to do if you do not want to get depressed.

6. Death
Several studies have found that people who sleep more than nine hours a night had a higher mortality risk than those who sleep for seven to eight hours every night.
Unclear reason the link between death and sleep too long, but the researchers found that depression and low economic status is often associated with sleep time is too long and the impact on the risk of death.

The duration of sleep is actually different for each person depending on the circumstances of the body, age, and needs of each. But generally adults sleep seven to nine hours a night.

That is the impact of hazards that can sleep in the morning I have outlined. Hopefully useful

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