Brain Tumor - explanation and medication

Write At: 14:08. Category: variety of diseases

The brain is the most important organ in the human body.
Why? Therefore, all parts of your body is controlled by the brain organ. Moreover, the human mind is centered on the brain. However, the brain is also susceptible to the disease, one of which tumor cells.

The disease is not always life-threatening, but, if not taken seriously they will get worse and your life may be threatened.

Here's a complete explanation of the brain tumor as quoted by the Mayo Clinic:


Tumors formed by the growth of abnormal cells. This can occur in the brain which in medical terms is called a brain tumor. However, this disease is not always harmful. Therefore, the tumor cells to differentiate into benign and malignant.
Tumor cells do not always appear on the brain directly (primary brain tumors), but may be the result of the spread of other body parts which then attacks the part of your brain (secondary or metastatic brain tumor).

Although tumor cells there are relatively benign and do not harm the body, but it still must get treatment quickly and accurately.
Because, if not a brain tumor can worsen and cause complications. Posed any kind of complications varies, depending on the part of the brain is affected.

The following types of complications that you may experience:

1. Body weakened

In this disease, the brain is the target organ. If you experience this, you will experience a brain organ damage and the longer it will get worse.
If the tumors invade the brain that controls the strength of the body, of course, your body will become weak, perhaps like the paralyzed or those who suffered a stroke.

2. Impaired vision

Brain tumors can damage the nerves that connect to the eye or to the part of the brain that processes visual information (visual cortex).
When this happens, your vision will be impaired, for example, be a double vision and visual field is reduced.

3. Headache

The growth of tumor cells in the organ of the brain can cause increased pressure within the brain itself. This will cause pain in the head. However, this pain can also arise as a result of fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus).
Headache has become a common health problem you are experiencing. However, if the pain does not go away and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, there may be a tumor in your brain.

3. Changes in personality

One's personality can also change as a result of tumor cells in the brain organ. A person's behavior can be changed.

4. Hearing loss

Brain tumors that affect the auditory nerve, especially acoustic neuromas, may cause interference to hearing.

5. Seizures

Brain tumor cause brain become irritated. This then lead to you having a seizure.
The types of complications as well as a symptom of this disease.


The signs and symptoms caused by this disease are highly variable, depending on the size, location, and rate of growth of the tumor cells.

But, if you are suffering from a brain tumor, generally you will have signs such as the following:

1. Frequent headaches and worsened
2. The pattern of headaches often changes
3. Nausea and vomiting for no reason
4. Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double, or even disappear
5. Problems with hearing
6. certain body parts experience numbness and can not be moved
7. Difficult regulate the balance
8. It is difficult to talk
9. Personality and behavior changes
10. Seizures

Causes of brain tumors are divided into two types, namely primary brain tumors and secondary brain tumors.

Thing that distinguishes them is the beginning of the growth of brain cells. The second factor is the cause of these diseases is also different.

Here's the explanation:

1. Primary brain tumors

In this type, the tumor cells begin to grow in the brain organ or tissue that is close to the organs of the brain, such as in brain membranes (meninges), cranial nerves, pituitary gland, or the pineal gland. Primary brain tumors can occur as a result of normal cells undergo mutations in their DNA errors.
This mutation causes the cells continue to grow and divide. They will continue to live as healthy cells would die. Consequently, forming a mass of abnormal cells which then form a tumor.
Type of primary brain tumors are extremely diverse, eg meningioma, pineoblastoma, and much more. However, when compared with secondary brain tumors, primary brain tumors are less common.

2. Secondary brain tumors

This type of tumor is the result of the presence of cancer cells that grow in other places in your body which then spread or metastasize to the brain organs.
When compared with primary brain tumors, brain tumors are more commonly experienced by humans, especially in people who have a history of cancer.
Each type of cancer can spread to the brain organs, but so far the majority are people with cancer of the breast, colon, kidney, lung, and melanoma.

However, it is not certain what causes the cells grow abnormally. In addition, there are several factors that contributed to the cause of the disease and increase the risk of brain tumors from this disease.

These factors, among others:

A. Family history

If your family have suffered from a brain tumor, it can be decreased to you genetically. In addition, it also can increase the risk of brain tumors.

B. Race

Generally, brain tumors more commonly experienced by people with the white race.

C. Age

As we get older, the risk of brain tumor increased. However, children also can be affected by this disease, especially with the type of medulloblastomas.

D. Exposure to radiation
People who have been and are often affected by exposure to ionizing radiation, which uses ion radiation, would be more at risk of brain tumors. This type of radiation is commonly used in the treatment of cancer cells.
Radiation from electronic devices, such as cell phones, microwaves, etc., which are often linked by this disease, has not been proven to be a contributing factor.

E. Exposure to chemicals
People who work in certain industries, which may often be exposed to chemicals, will have an increased risk of brain tumors.


First of all, the doctor will perform a number of tests and procedures to determine whether you are positive disease brain tumor or not. Here are some types of tests and procedures that are usually performed by a physician:

1. Neurological examination

In this type of examination, the doctor will check for vision, hearing, balance, coordination, and reflexes in your body.

2. Imaging Tests

Several types of imaging tests that exist in the world of medicine is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), and positron emission tomography (PET).
However, MRI is the most often used to help diagnose brain tumors. Typically, before the MRI test, the doctor will inject a dye through the blood vessels in your arm.

This can facilitate the doctor to see if there are any tumor cells in your body. In addition, the doctor may perform a CT scan on your chest to see if the tumor arising from the spread of cancer cells from other body parts.

After examination and show your positive brain tumor, the doctor will usually refer you to perform the treatment.
Treatment should be done quickly in order to prevent the disease from getting worse and spread to other parts of the body.

Treatment options also depend on the type, size and location of the tumor, as well as your overall health and your preferences.
Your doctor may adjust the treatment to suit the particular situation.

The following types of treatment will usually recommended by doctors to treat a tumor in your brain:

A. biopsy

The doctor will collect and conduct testing on samples of abnormal tissue. A biopsy is usually done by using a needle in order to achieve a sensitive area in your brain that may be damaged if you do the surgery.

The needle will be inserted into a small hole or commonly called a burr hole, then will go into your skull.
Tissue is removed using a needle and guided by CT or MRI scans. Biopsy samples will then be viewed under a microscope for cancer cells menentukkan whether it is benign or malignant. Such information is helpful for determining treatment.

B. Radiation therapy

In this type of therapy used high-energy rays, such as X-rays or protons, to kill tumor cells.
Radiation therapy can be done by using external radiation machine outside the body or by placing radiation in your body that is adjacent to the tumor cells, although this is rarely done.

Most of the infected will be referred to external radiation therapy in which the radiation beam can be focused on the area of your brain that is attached by the tumor cells.
However, if the cancer has spread, radiation therapy will be applied in all parts of the brain organs.

Radiation therapy will cause side effects, depending on the type and dose of radiation you receive.
Usually, after doing this type of treatment, you will experience fatigue, headache, and scalp irritation.

C. Radiosurgery

In this type of treatment, the doctor will use a few pieces of beams of radiation to kill the tumor cells, in a very small though.
Radiation is not too strong, but at the point where there is a beam of radiation, radiation dose will be stronger and bigger. Side effects that appear include fatigue, headaches, and cause nausea.

D. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill tumor cells. There are two types of chemotherapy drugs are drugs in the form of pills or drugs injected into a vein (intravenous).
However, the most frequently used to treat brain tumors are pills, which temozolomide (Temodar).

Other types of chemotherapy can be used during surgery. When doctors remove a tumor on the brain, the doctor will place one or more discs in the affected part of the tumor cells.
This disc will slowly release chemotherapy drugs and can work for several days. This type of treatment can also cause side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and hair loss.

E. targeted drug therapy

This type of treatment can cause cancer cells to die. The doctor will apply the medication in a manner injected into a vein (intravenously) in order to stop the formation of new blood vessels, cutting off the blood supply to tumors, as well kill tumor cells.

F. Operation

If the tumor cells are in an easily accessible place and allow it to be cured with surgery, your doctor may recommend you to perform the operation.
This is done to remove as much tumor cells in your brain. When tumor cells are still small, the tumor cells are easier to separate from the brain tissue in the surrounding areas.
However, there are also tumor cells that can not be separated from the surrounding tissue, which may be caused by the location of the tumor cells adjacent to sensitive areas in your brain.

This makes surgery risky and can be life threatening. However, if you do surgery to treat a brain tumor, you are allowed to infection and bleeding.
In addition, the operation can also pose other risks depending on the location of the tumor cells. For example, surgery on a tumor near nerves that connect to your eyes may carry a risk of vision loss.
After treatment, the doctor will usually recommend to you to do the rehabilitation to restore your condition.

Your doctor may give you some rehabilitation options, such as:

  •  Physical therapy - helping you to regain lost motor skills and strengthen your muscles that were previously weakened.
  • Occupational therapy - this can help you to perform daily activities, although just take medication.
  • Speech therapy - it is reserved for those who have trouble or difficulty speaking due to brain tumors. You will be assisted by speech pathologists to launch your speaking skills.
  • Les - this is done to restore your memory memory that may be lost due to a brain tumor. In addition, the ability to think you will be retrained.

In addition to the type of treatment that has been mentioned above, you can also do some type of complementary and alternative treatments that may help you cope with the symptoms caused by brain tumors.
You can do acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, music therapy, and relaxation exercises. However, there is no evidence that alternative medicine can cure brain tumors. Nevertheless, alternative medicine can help you cope with the side effects of the treatment of brain tumors.

So I can summarize from the dangers of brain tumors. Hopefully this article can provide benefits to you.

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